A website 来自马萨诸塞州历史学会; founded 1791.


"Determined to see my danger before I would be intimidated at it, 我拿起帽子,大步走向后甲板." John Adams autobiography, part 2, "Travels, and Negotiations," 1777-1778
From Adams Family Papers, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.

亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 presents selections from the most important manuscript collection held by the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. Digital images of the letters exchanged between John and Abigail Adams, 约翰·亚当斯日记, and John Adams's autobiography are presented alongside transcriptions.

This website was created by the 马萨诸塞州历史学会 with funds from a private charitable trust.


This website makes extensive use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). For best results please view using a standards-compliant browser that supports Cascading Style Sheets. We recommend viewing the website with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or higher, 或Netscape Navigator 6或更高版本.

CSS is a web design technology that applies style (for example fonts, 颜色, and layout) to structured documents that will display on the World Wide Web. 的 亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 uses CSS to display strike-throughs, color coding, subtext and other explanatory information within the transcriptions. Visitors who view this website with older browsers that do not support CSS should not expect all of the design features to be visible and/or available.


Information about citations (for the electronic documents and sources of transcriptions and images) can be found on the 显示功能 页面.


When viewing electronic transcriptions, click on the help icon 关键的颜色和格式 to view a brief key to the 颜色 and formatting used in the display. (的 icon is located near the upper right corner of each transcription.)


Basic information about the images featured within the electronic transcriptions can be found within the 电子转录的特点 页面.

请参阅下文 查看大图像的提示.

Technical specifications of images featured on this website

马萨诸塞州历史学会 bases its imaging procedures on recommendations from the Research Libraries Group, 图书馆及资讯资源委员会, and the University of Virginia's Electronic Text Center.

约翰·亚当斯和阿比盖尔·亚当斯夫妇的信件刊登在 亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 website were scanned at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. Project staff created uncompressed TIFF images (600 dpi, full color images) and then made derivative JPEG files from these "master" TIFF images in three sizes: the large JPEGs are 400 dpi and have 50% of the pixel width of the "master" TIFFs; the small JEPGs are 200 dpi and 600 pixels wide; and the mini JPEGs are 100dpi and 300 pixels wide.

的 images of John Adams's diaries and autobiography featured on the 亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 website were made from microfilm, with the exception of the earliest diary of John Adams. An outside vendor (Preservation Resources) created TIFF images (400 dpi) and extra-large derivative JPEG images (400 dpi, 100%像素宽度)从三卷缩微胶卷. Project staff resized the images to create the three versions featured on the website: the large JPEGs are 400 dpi and have 50% of the pixel width of the TIFFs and extra large JPEGS, 小的jpeg是200 dpi和600像素宽, 迷你jpeg是100 dpi和300像素宽. 的 grayscale images on this website of the earliest diary of John Adams, part of the Royall Tyler Collection at the Vermont Historical Society, were made from black and white photographs with permission from the Vermont Historical Society.


从2003年初开始 亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 不提供特定的“打印机友好”版本. 的 online displays can be printed out using the print option within a web browser. 然而,日记是相当长的. Please note: print-outs of a single letters will total approximately 4-8 页面s, print-outs of a sheet from the autobiography will total approximately 4-8 页面s; printouts of a diary volume will total approximately 25-80 页面s. 请参阅下文 从日记中挑选几页打印的技巧.

General information about the transcriptions on this website

亚当斯家族文件:电子档案 presents transcriptions of historical documents next to images of the original manuscripts. When viewing electronic transcriptions, click on the help icon 关键的颜色和格式 to view a brief key to the 颜色 and formatting used in the display. (的 icon is located near the upper right corner of each transcription.) Additional information about the display of the online manuscripts 显示功能 页面.

Detailed information about the production of the electronic transcriptions included on this website can be found within the 有关本网站的转录信息 页面. This 页面 also describes the how the electronic archive differs from the published documentary edition.

Use of the transcriptions and images appearing on this website

的 images presented as part of this website are to be used for study purposes only. Permission to reproduce images of manuscripts and/or publish transcriptions of collections must be obtained 以书面形式 来自马萨诸塞州历史学会. 请将申请转递至参考图书馆:


电子邮件: library@lookforstudies.com



如果您使用的是Internet Explorer 6.0, the default setting of the browser automatically resizes the images. If this occurs you will need to click on the expand button (it appears towards the lower right corner of the 调整图像大小,或者您可以重置自动 选择“调整大小”选项(默认设置).

在ie浏览器中,选择“工具/Internet选项”. 向下滚动以查看多媒体设置. 取消选中“启用自动图像调整大小”.点击应用. 点击确定.


因为日记太长了, please use your web browser's Print Preview option to select specific 页面s that contain the entries and mini images you wish to print.